Sunday, March 30, 2014

Comic Panel rough passes II

This panel, and the scanned image below, would have been just previous to the two-panel color image I uploaded last time - both in terms of narrative and when I actually drew them. The above is purely digital on Cintiq, while the one below is Colerase on a Post-it note, with a little bit of PS work on the highlights. I kind of like how it turned out, and it was minimal effort in comparison with the other digital pieces this post. I may take this route more often in the future:

Some other work from this week. Both purely digital, both being reduxes on previous comics or illustrations from a few years ago. Besides benchmarking where I'm at in terms of overall progress in drawing (composition, faces, whatever), is also a good way for me to feel out how I want to work on larger projects, be it one-off illos or illustrated stories:


Sauro Quaglia said...

Suggestive images. Your world is always fascinating.

Khylov said...

Grazie sir, much appreciated.

Brandxxx said...

Dude I love these Valkyrie pics mang!!!!

Khylov said...

Viking ladies, for the metal kid in us all.

Brandxxx said...

Ha I posted a dimmu borgir video in honor, they're Norwegian but the music is epic lord of the rings metal with sprinkles of over the top satanic sword and sorcery themes that are comedic even though they're serious, I find it silly but amusing

Khylov said...

On what, your Facebook right. Couldn't find it, so I just looked for whatever video of theirs popped up after a google search.

Ah, yeah. Approaching Gwar levels of theatrical. They just needed to behead something Apocalypse Now style and it'd be there.

Probably even more hilarious than the video are the comments. Guess that goes without saying for most anything on Youtube. Some very very special fans.

BrandXXX said...

hahahahahaha! right?! oh and by the way I pimped out your blog on my facebook to advertise the show also! here's a link to the video I was talking about!! amazing songwriting and orchestration, death metal musicians are just as talented as jazz dudes sometimes but dork out on different things hahahahaha!!