Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Animation Hellhole Memories Part 4

Part of a sketchpage that I started a few months ago but got around to finishing up recently, playing with the lighting and colors a little bit. Memories of the animation department over at Allan Hancock College, in the wee days before "official" art college and even more Official industry jobs. See below for more panels.

[Night version panel. Most of my memories are of fall semester, so the days would get dark at around 5 or 6 pm, by which point one half of the class would bail. The half that stayed behind were the ones near the animation test station (the janitor's closet in the background that Julio's stepping into). Drawing, flipping paper, a group of 3 or 4 people making dumb Monty Python cutout animations on the test machine at the same time and being generally stupid. But usually the main focus revolved around deciding where to go eat afterwards.]

[Alternate take on one of the poses. Doesn't this kid know how to sit properly? In fact, he'd tend to sit like that more often than not most everywhere, as well as cross-legged. Still does. Dumb hippy.]

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