Friday, June 25, 2010

~Oh joy ~

Christmas comes early via Italia and the post office.

Grazie, signorina.


ManuPela said...

ahahah.. re "high fives!" ;-D

Khylov said...

I wonder if Gipi realizes his role in the mission. Hmmmm....

Kristina Bustamante said...

Thanks for commenting on my stuff! No need to worry about giving me constructive criticism. I welcome it because it's the only way that I'm going to get better.

Been loving your stuff ever since Kalia introduced me to your work. Your drawings have so much life to them, and your characters have this androgynous thing going on, like, super-manly, yet slightly feminine and gentle. Totally rocking a Miyazaki kind of vibe.

And this post-it? It reminds me of how much I miss drawing on those things. God damn it! You make it look so easy!

Khylov said...


Thanks much. Didn't mean the initial comment to come off as a threat to critique (probably why I shouldn't brandish a hammer while typing) - but K can tell you that I like to give compliments, and only critique if asked.

Interesting take though on my character design; hadn't thought about it much other than trying to keep from doing the spandex thing with the heroes. Renditions of me prancing out of the Post Office probably don't lend to my testosterone level any, but hey, it's comics...

Ah, and the post-its. Well, more of a lack of my wanting to commit to an actual sketchbook - which costs money. I have Moleskines which K keeps pushing me to draw in - which I do when the bosses aren't watching - but the studio's a land of milk, honey, and post-it notes flowing freely, so it seems a bit easier to just bust out on those.

Come to think of it, no wonder post-its are yellow. Milk and honey and all.