Robots designs. Courtesy of a huge Cintiq. After an 11 hour work day. Which probably shows - there's probably tangents galore in this pic, as well as better ways of positioning / posing the characters, esp. the cannonball one. But that's what you get when you start drawing cockroach robots I suppose...
Many more drawings - including development sketches of these buggers - which will be thrown up here soon as I get the scanner up and running again.
I love robot cockroach.
You feel comfortable with the Cintiq? I still have doubts, but I think it's just a matter of habit.
Thanks much Sauro. I still have the comfort curve to get over with the Cintiq, since it's the equivalent of drawing on ice.
Guess it depends on how one is accustomed to approaching illustration - whether they like working the details and nailing down clean details with few lines (which is frustrating on a tablet, esp. when trying to tackle a subject or style one's not used to); if they're particular with line weight and saturation (which is also an issue on digital if the settings aren't right); or if they're comfortable with fast and loose (and wide) sketch lines without worrying about the latter two aspects of drawing. Etc. etc.
But I've found a good sketch warm up on paper helps me to hit any tablet drawing with alot more ease. Takes only... hmm, several hours.
Tangents schmangents, these guys are cool!
Thanks much man; and thanks for subscribing. Working on Marvel stuff's gonna eventually get the tangents out of me, I think.
I love the shapes and colors of these guys. I'm usually not a robot person, but these guys have me charmed.
Thanks Sara. Cintiq helped with getting me to draw the shapes in pretty large, broad strokes at first. Then again, I had the profiles for these guys on post-it notes... So I guess the lesson is: Drawing smaller sometimes is a plus for piecing shape choices together when busting on a character design.
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