A little something from a few weeks ago, given to a special someone. Hope she doesn't mind me posting it here and showing her off - supermodels tend to be shy creatures.

Micron pens, Prismacolor pencils and markers. Did a little bit of level readjusting in PS, since the scan wasn't quite catching the original colors.
The Owl sculpture looks amazing, and the hi-res photo/scan really helps to illustrate that. My Mum, who collects all things Owlish, would just love it!
I just figure it out now, i didn't know you posted it here! hehehe! Awww, you really captured me, my characters, everything! Very McCayish, I dig on your vintage colors. <3 wish I could have a real strawberry cake. hmmm someone seems interesting about my hi-res image that scares me. >.>
@ w @ ekekekkekekekekekekkkkkeeeeekkkkk
Thanks much. Same for your recent uploads as well.
Cap'n John;;
For sure, her stuff is quite detailed - I just got a chance to see her art again in person over at Nucleus (the Alice in Wonderland show). If you get a chance and are in the neighborhood, for sure check it out - her large b&w Alice piece is like one of those hypnotic vortex patterns - without the spinning.
Miss Hepburn;
Yup, I snuck your bday image on here to share with your fans.
Ah, but your high res images ought not to scare you. It's the *actual* illustrations themselves, in-person, that are cause for alarm (on account of their hypnotic colors, and their ability to convince folks to fork over their $$$ so as to own a Mall original).
AWESOME!! Crazy festive B-day!! NICE!! Lucky friend!! ^_______^
Festive indeed. Although I have to say that I am the lucky one for having May, the lady in the pic. (I keep telling her that it's an unfair advantage to my benefit - like a yeti having a supermodel ladyfriend. But she seems to like yetis all the same.)
Winsor McCay is the man. Cool drawing, Kyle.
Thanks much man - and indeed, McCay is. If I had my way, full-page color comic spreads would be mandatory in every paper, as the front page.
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